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Why People Love Shooting Notes
Sonja Benčina
Jul 7, 2023
When we began putting the ideas for the Shooting Notes together four years ago, we couldn’t imagine the scope of this project. We were excited for and proud of the success of Shooting Notes in Slovenia. We remain grateful for the support of Slovenian coaches who were the first to encourage us and made us believe that we were on the right track.

My two girls and I love it. As their coach, I can do my job much more easily than before! Planning for competitions has become easier as we know what to anticipate in terms of the range conditions, for example. Shooting Notes are definitely a good investment. (Robert Mencinger, Slovenia)
We are lucky to practice and compete in the same club as the eight-time Olympian and shooting legend Rajmond Debevec and were eager (if somewhat frightful: Rajmond is known to be a straight shooter, literally and metaphorically!) to get his feedback. As an experienced shooting-journal writer, this is what he said:

Živa and Sonja have my congratulations for their excellent idea, but also for realizing it and publishing their Shooting Notes that will allow sports shooters to systematically record all of the important and useful parameters for their personal (and the coach’s) monitoring and preparation for practices and competitions. Extremely useful – I would recommend Shooting Notes to everyone from the youngest to the most experienced shooters. (Rajmond Debevec, SLO)
Other top Slovenian shooters were immediate fans of Shooting Notes – we have lost count of how many Urška Kuharič has in her collection already! Competing in 10 m air rifle, 50 m rifle, and 300 m rifle, the Slovenian Army shooter certainly has something to write about.

I feel that I am making a real archive of my shooting career – my Shooting Notes hold my goals, my settings, and my successes. (Urška Kuharič, Slovenia)
A Tool For Everybody
Feeling like Shooting Notes were something that could contribute to the growth of the shooting community world-wide, it didn’t take us long before we started translating it into other languages and receiving encouraging words from all parts of the world. Shooting Notes, Strelski zvezek, Cahier de tir, Schießheft, Cuaderno de tiro, and 射撃ノート have since been sold in over 2000 copies. As they are suitable for all levels of shooting, we are receiving positive feedback from top athletes as well as complete beginners.

For someone who can’t follow their thoughts and has debatable memory, Shooting Notes is the right thing to have. The guidelines help a lot to keep your focus to write the main things. All in all 10/10. (Marta Zeljković, CRO)
Shooting Notes is a useful tool for athletes of any skill level, from just starting out to Olympic Champion. I love that it puts a structured focus on the process every single day. (Ginny Thrasher, USA)

I have checked out Shooting Notes, and I really like what I see! The “diary” pages look good. They aren’t too advanced, but you still have what you need. But even more, I like the first pages. This is what I write most about in my shooting diary now: shot process, weapon settings, competition preparations, mental work and so on. Mostly because I love to be able to go back to my old notes. (Jeanette Hegg Duestad, NOR)
I’m 46, I started shooting 3 years ago and really started training for competition last October. I’ve learnt that writing information and tips really helps. Thanks to training and writing I’ve qualified to France national championship for .22 L.R. 25m! (Karl Coulon, FRA)

Shooting Notes, such a great resource to add to my training, really helpful as it keeps me focused, ensures I capture what I’m working on, and what I need to do in the future with my training and setup. I also love the motivational quotes. (Michael Johnson, NZA)

Analysis is key to progress. Shooting Notes provide an excellent opportunity for analysis and help you keep track of your work. (Kristina Kiisk, EST)
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2 thoughts on “Why People Love Shooting Notes”
Please share a format of what needs to be written everyday.
Shooting Notes provide a structured form to be used in everyday practice and on competition days. It diverts the athlete’s attention from drowning in negative thoughts onto finding solutions for what might have gone wrong and highlighting the corrects steps in the process.