
Shooting Dice

Sonja Benčina

Feb 2, 2024

Olympic-style shooting is following the same routines over and over again. The athletes derive pleasure and contentment akin to meditation from repetitive tasks. This is why we can spend hours on the range and not get bored. But have you ever wanted to spice your practice up just a bit? Introduce some fun to the range? Add variation to your routines? Get a new perspective on shooting? Search no more! With Shooting Dice by Aiming Art, you will look forward to returning to practice!

What Are Shooting Dice?

Shooting Dice, a set of six 6-sided dice, is an innovative new tool in rifle and pistol shooting. The set includes 5 shooting games suitable for ages 7 and up, for 1 player or an entire group – once the task is set, the number of players can be unlimited.

Five blue Shooting Dice stacked, one in front, pouch and instructions in the back, on a shooting range

Who Can Play?

Shooting Dice can be played by shooters in Olympic-style disciplines (air rifle, air pistol, beam rifle, beam pistol, small bore rifle, small-bore pistol) with access to a decimal scoring target. We recommend the player to be aged 7+. What is especially appealing is that each game is based on a shooter’s average shot and therefore be individually modified to the skill level of an individual athlete. This means that shooters of different ages, disciplines, and levels can play together! This is especially handy for shooting clubs with extremely varied members – now, they can all follow the same instructions and everybody can be the winner!

For those who tend to practice alone, Shooting Dice provide new challenges and tasks to perform – all while the shooter is honing their technique and mental strength.

Shooting Dice by Aiming Art: 6 stacked dice, dice pouch, and instruction sheet

Why Should You Play?

For younger shooters, Shooting Dice bring the much-needed fun to the range. While following the same ISSF rules of shooting and conduct, junior athletes will appreciate the game aspect of Shooting Dice. They can compete against much older and more experienced shooters and have the same chances to win. Playful practices are a necessary element of young athlete education.

For older or more experienced shooters, Shooting Dice introduce a little variation to their normal practice. The athletes must cope with the challenges they get by employing various shooting techniques and strategies. The set tasks may also impose more stress on the shooter who must overcome it in order to progress both in the game and in shooting.

The dice will hone endurance, concentration, focus, sight corrections, and much more – all while competing with yourself or against other shooters.

Shooting Team Slovenia playing with Shooting Dice at the airport

Want to Play Off-Range?

The set of 6 Shooting Dice is also convenient for traveling. Take the super light pouch with you to competitions and play dice games with your shooting friends. Suitable for games like Yahtzee, Farkle, etc.

Order here.

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