Physical Pointers

Shooting Is More Than Just a Static Sport

Živa Dvoršak

Dec 1, 2020

Even though shooting is considered more of a static sport, being physically ready can help you in many ways. Maintaining general fitness is important for a healthy life and, thankfully, this “generality” doesn’t require much additional work to be suitable for shooters: we don’t need target workouts for a specific muscle group. In addition to shooting practice, there is also no need to spend hours and hours in fitness to build up/maintain strength, explosiveness, or endurance. What we need is merely an active counterbalance to the static part of our sport and some basic exercises to hold our bodies in an upright position.

Two people getting ready to run.

Have you ever felt back pains during a shooting session? Have you ever felt like you ran a marathon after finishing a 3P match? Have you ever lost your focus in the middle of the competition and couldn’t find a way back?

Having a moderate workout routine included in your weekly schedule can help you overcome the problems listed above and push you to make a huge step further with your overall shooting approach. Adding physical training to your shooting practice might sound scary and too much to handle, especially for those of you who still go to school or have regular jobs and family to take care of. However, it doesn’t take much to just take advantage of any kind of everyday movement and turn it into exercise. Take the stairs instead of an elevator. Walk or ride a bike to school or work instead of driving. Work hard at P.E. classes. Focus on your navel and your feet while standing in lines. Hold a plank every day for a minute or two. Create a 10-15min workout routine to focus on a few core stabilization exercises. And if you really cannot take any time during your week for a cardio workout, at least try to go on longer walks during the weekend, take an hour or two to enjoy some fresh air. Do something. It will help you be more of who you are at your best. 

Find your own workout routine

As everybody and every body is different, we are not here to tell you what to do, how to do it, and how intense your workouts should be. However, at Aiming Art we have tried many things ranging from zero exercise to running stairs across the whole basketball arena and we have discovered what works for us best. Experiment and find your own way too!

The physical copy of Shooting Notes helps you structure your approach to shooting practice and guides you through writing shooting analysis. As much as we would like to include other topics too, there is just not enough space for everything. That is why Practical Pointers come in handy. If you would like Aiming Art to give more specific examples on specific workout routine for shooters, leave a reply below!

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